Where did we launch?   |   In the southern region of Budapest, Hungary

What kind of secondary school is it?   |   Waldorf Secondary School (school years 9-13., 5 years)

Who supports and maintains it?   |   The Free Waldorf Secondary School was founded by the Arc of the Future Association

When did it start?   |   9th grade started in September, 2018. Teachers’ work had begun in September, 2017.

How does it grow?    We currently have 5 classes. (academic year 22/23)


The founders of the school have been working on the establishment of a new, independent secondary school in the southern region of Buda for pupils of Waldorf schools since the beginning of 2016.

Our mission is to lead children through the Waldorf cycle, ideally from nursery school to secondary school graduation, to let our students become adults who find their way in the world and can live in harmony with themselves as well as with their immediate and wider environment.

The two parent institutions of the Waldorf Secondary School are Csillagösvény Waldorf School (XI. District of Budapest) and Kisgöncöl Waldorf School (Tök) at present but they are continuously  cooperating with other Waldorf schools in the region.  The parent institutions are contributing letters of intent to families and giving financial support for the birth of the new secondary school.


Artistic activities are of great importance in Waldorf secondary schools. The personalities of our students are unfolded through creative activities, their independence and social sensitivity are developed through cooperative projects.  Therefore, our curriculum, as other waldorf curricula, places regular art and drama performances in their every day activities. Students bring a full-length play to stage at the end of their 12th grade as part of their annual work as well as preparing an individual annual work to close their studies.

The Waldorf curriculum is the most widespread reform education in Hungary as well as worldwide and it is accepted by the Hungarian state. Based on the Waldorf elementary years, secondary school years are about the fulfillment of students’ skills and abilities. On project weeks, students carry out certain practices such as agricultural work, land survey, social work and industrial practice suitable to their age.

The more focused preparation for the state exam (in Hungarian called ‘érettségi’) and university entry exams begin in the 13th grade. In order to take the exams at a higher level, students can choose their appropriate subjects as extra lessons on which they can concentrate from the 11th grade.

According to national surveys, Waldorf students achieve better results on the state exams than other students nationwide, therefore, they have a greater chance to get accepted by universities.


In the spirit of our school, we rely on Anthroposophy which includes a classical Christian value system, and is well-blended with a trustful teacher-student relationship. Parent-teacher cooperation has always been closely related, without this, efficient education would be scarcely possible.

The formation of the volitional, emotional and intellectual life of our students through artistic activities and exercises will help them to reach out to the world to find the balance of freedom and responsibility, shaping his/her intellectual development with a healthy critical mind, and they will be able to realise they have a duty and mission in the world.

The purpose of our school is to raise our students to become adults who are sensitive to the issues of the world and our society, seek and find solutions and also participate in solving them actively.

Waldorf-education represents competency-based pedagogy, recognizes the technical challenges of our age and teaches its students how to make use of technology in a conscious and understanding way. Instead of the digital load of information and visual solutions of our environment, we prefer personal, real interactions and the possibility of deep empathy. We desire a school where students can see through the technical world that is becoming more and more alienated and could possibly turn to new, different techniques.

Within the framework of Waldorf pedagogy, we strive to achieve that future generations are more and more able to place technical development alongside moral development. We intend to replace egoism with the culture of responsibility towards each other.


The quality of a secondary school is principally determined by its teachers. The teachers’ community was forming long before the launch of the first school year, their selection is a careful process.

The essential task of the teachers is to examine the academic knowledge and methodology determining the content of the curriculum from an anthroposophical point of view so that they will be able to give their students standpoints in this respect as well.

We regard it’s important that the member of the Teachers’ Board shall turn towards the human and world view of anthroposophy with a searching attitude and graduated with a Waldorf diploma, too.

In order to keep the whole Waldorf cycle, the secondary school stays in close contact with its parent schools to be able to harmonize the work in the institutions in a suitable way. To ensure the quality of teaching and education, we have limited the maximum number of classes in a school year as two classes per year (2 x 30 students).


  • Being a foundation-based institution, we have special emphasis on cooperation with our supporters. If you agree with our goals, you can help us. The secure financial background is the key factor of our operation; therefore, your financial support is of great importance.

    Our maintaining institution is

    Our bank account number:
    Magnet Bank Zrt.  (Andrássy str. 98, 1062 Budapest, Hungary)

    IBAN No.  HU50 1620 0151 1853 6869 0000 0000


In our short description, our intention was to give you as much information as we could for the first impression. However, we are convinced that in order to get acquainted a meeting in person would be essential. 

Of course if you would like to meet us in a more suitable time, please call us on
+36 30 5787110 or send us an email to info@szwg.hu.

Cím: 1112 Budapest, Repülőtéri út 6.
OM azonosító: 203312

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